How to Brush Your Teeth Even if You Already Think You Know How!

How to Brush Your Teeth Even if You Already Think You Know How!

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How to Brush Your Teeth

We’d all like to think we were experts at brushing our teeth because we’ve done it since they first popped through our gums but the truth is some of us might not be doing it correctly. Teeth are super important, not only how we processes our food but also having nice teeth really helps with our confidence.

1) Don’t put too much toothpaste!

Too Much Toothpaste

A little bit of toothpaste goes a long way. When you put too much toothpaste on your toothbrush it can make your mouth fill up with bubbles which might make you want to stop brushing too soon. It also more likely that you swallow more toothpaste which, while minty, isn’t very good for consumption.

2) Brush your gums.

Healthy gums are important and they need a little attention. Don’t brush too hard and always go up and down or in a circle when brushing your gums. Don’t brush horizontally.

3) 3 Minutes is the magic number. 2 Minutes if you’re late for a meeting.

Try breaking up your mouth into 4 quadrants (Top-Left, Top-Right, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right) and just brush each section for about 30 seconds and you’re good to go. Entertain yourself by listening to some music. A song is usually around 2-3 minutes so you’ll know when the song is done, it’s about time to stop brushing.

4) There are 4 major spots you need to hit with your brush

Here’s a picture to show you the 4 spots. (Outside, Inside, Molars, and Tongue)

How to Brush Your Teeth

5) Rinse your mouth and your brush

Some people say you shouldn’t rinse out your mouth because it washes away the topical fluoride treatment while other people like to rinse it out because they don’t like toothpaste in their mouths. Studies show that rinsing your mouth has little to no effect on the effectiveness of fluoride toothpastes. Either way is fine but you should always wash your brush when you’re done and let it dry out so no bacteria can grow on it.

6) Brush twice a day

Once when you wake up and once before you go to sleep is just fine to keep a wonderful smile. Sugar free gum and drinking a lot of water also helps to wash away food particles.

Cat Brushing Teeth

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